Golf Assessment

Discover the road to your best golf

TPI Physical Screening

The TPI movement screen is a simple test to quickly evaluate a player’s physical capabilities. The results of that assessment are used to determine how technical elements of the player’s swing could be related to what their body can or cannot do. Once this screen is finished, the results are used to create a plan unique for that golfer.


Golf Swing Analysis

After learning about what a players body is capable of, the next step is an in depth analysis of their golf swing. Three systems are used during this analysis to gather information: 

  1. Skillest App - Video Analysis: Finding and displaying patterns in the golf swing creating the current problems. All video and other information are stored in the player’s student profile inside of the Skillest App. 

  2. SportsBox AI - 3D Motion Capture: Creating a measurement of the problem areas identified in the video analysis. Also used to show measurable progress in swing changes over time.

  3. Full Swing Kit - Launch Monitor: Data on the golf ball and club head to add further detail on the current results. Also used to show measurable progress of swing improvements over time.